Solutions Delivery Platform


Jenkins Instance

A Jenkins instance will be required for this lab. If you don’t have one available to you, we would recommend going through the Local Development learning lab to deploy a local Jenkins instance through Docker.

Ability to Create GitHub Repositories

When creating your first set of pipeline libraries and externalizing the pipeline configuration from Jenkins you will need to be able to create GitHub repositories on

Theoretically, any git-based SCM provider (BitBucket, GitHub, GitLab, etc) should integrate and work as expected with JTE. For the purposes of simplifying this lab, we will be using GitHub.

GitHub PAT in the Jenkins Credential Store

If you intend to create public repositories then your PAT is merely acting to authenticate to GitHub in order to avoid rate limiting, you do not need to grant any scopes to the PAT.

If you will be creating private repositories, you’ll need to grant the repo scope to the PAT.

Copy this token and store it in the Jenkins credential store.

  1. From the Jenkins home page, click Credentials in the lefthand navigation menu

  2. Select the global credential scope

  3. Select Add Credential in the lefthand navigation menu

  4. Enter your github username in the Username field

  5. Paste the Personal Access Token into the Password field

  6. Enter github into the ID field

  7. Enter github into the Description field

  8. Click OK
