Solutions Delivery Platform

Create a Step

Each groovy file within a library’s steps directory will be loaded as a step.

The basename of the groovy file is the name of the step object. For example, a step file build.groovy would be invoked using build() (assuming the step has implemented a call method, more on that later).

The Call Method

Most steps should implement a call method in order to be invoked via stepName() from a pipeline template or other library step.

For example, if a library had a build.groovy file as follows:

void call(){
  println "hey from the build step"

then the build() could be invoked from a pipeline template or other library step.

In groovy, objects that have a call method can leverage the call operator for invoking the call method implicitly. This is why when a step implements the call method, it can be invoked via step() in addition to

Multi-Method Steps

While the call method is the default, there is nothing preventing a step from defining multiple methods. These other methods would be invoked with their default notation of stepName.methodName().

For example:

def printMessage(String message){
  println "the message is ${message}"

creates a step test_step that can be invoked via test_step.printMessage("example!").