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The SDP library provides helper steps used by multiple libraries within sdp-libraries.


Step Description
inside_sdp_images(String image, Closure body) helper function that wraps docker.image(<image>).inside{} to execute a portion of the pipeline inside the specified container image runtime environment
jteVersion a multi-method step that provides utilities for determining the current JTE version

Lifecycle Hooks

Step Hook Purpose
archive_pipeline_config() @Init Writes the aggregated pipeline configuration to a file and saves it as a build artifact
create_workspace_stash() @Validate If the pipeline job is a Multibranch Project, checkout the source code. In either case, save a stash called workspace for other libraries to consume.


SDP Library Configuration Options

Field Description Default Value
images.registry This sets the registry the SDP library expects to find its Docker images
images.repository The first path component in the repository name. For example if your images follow the format*, this would be sdp
sdp.images.cred Credentials used for the repository where different docker pipeline tools are stored
sdp.images.docker_args Arguments to use when starting the container. Uses the same flags as docker run

Important Unlike the Docker Library, the value in registry does include the protocol (http:// https://)

Example Configuration Snippet

      registry = "" // (1)
      repository = "boozallen/sdp-images" // (2)
      cred = "github" // (3)
  1. the container registry that holds the SDP container images
  2. the container image repository that holds the SDP container images
  3. A Jenkins credential ID to authenticate to the container registry


jteVersion is a multi-method step that provides utilities for determining the current JTE version. This is particularly useful when making changes to support backwards compatibility.


| Method | Description | | jteVersion.get() | returns the current JTE version | | jteVersion.lessThan(String version) | returns true if the current JTE version is less than the parameter | | jteVersion.lessThanOrEqualTo(String version) | returns true if the current JTE version is less than or equal to the parameter | | jteVersion.greaterThan(String version) | returns true if the current JTE version is greater than the parameter | | jteVersion.greaterThanOrEqualTo(String version) | returns true if the current JTE version is greater than or equal to the parameter | | jteVersion.equalTo(String version) | returns true if the current JTE version is equal to the parameter |

For example,

if (jteVersion.lessThan("2.1")){
  // code to run if current installed version is < 2.1
} else { 
  // code to run if current installed version is >= 2.1


  • A Docker registry must be setup and configured. Credentials to the registry are also needed.
  • A repository for the image being used by the given library is expected to be in the given registry.
  • The repository name for the pipeline tools' images should be in the format "${images.registry}/${images.repository}/tool-name".
  • The Pipeline Utility Steps plugin is required.
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